Mini Meals Or Three Meals A Day

Is it better to eat mini-meals all day or 3 full meals? This one one question Joel Fuhrman answers in the book  "The End OF Diabetes". 

My aunt once told me that it is better for your body to eat small meals multiple times a day because it is easier for your body to digest and keeps you from feeling hungry. In the book Joel says otherwise noting that the "cellular repair and detoxification occurs most readily in the non-digestive stage"(Fuhrman142) and that snacking is bad for your body because you "take on more needed calories if you eat when not truly hungry." (Fuhrman143).
Eating 3 regular meals can help your health.

I decided to try eating my meals at more standard times and to cut back on the amount of snacking I do. The first few days I felt hungry between meals and wanted to snack, but then tried eating larger meals compared to what I normally eat and this helped me with the feeling of being hungry in between meals. It also made the urge to snack go away compared to when I was eating smaller irregular meals.

Eating larger meals can stop the urge to snack

Overall I feel that eating 3 large meals a day works and can be beneficial to your health but this can be hard to do especially if you have a irregular schedule or are on the move a lot and is worth the effort.

What changes to your schedule could you make to eat healthier?

Fuhrman, Joel. The End of Diabetes: The Eat to Live Plan to Prevent and Reverse Diabetes. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print.


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