Remembering A Thursday That Felt Like A Sunday

Dear friends,

Sometimes you just have one of those days in which you actually do not feel that you have been working and that you are tired and you wanna crash down and hug the pillow and sleep like a log... One of those days was this Thursday for me, when one of my good friends came in for a visit in Krakow. She stayed with her sister but on the glorious day of Thursday we went together for a date :) We went to the movies and we visited some friends and we ended up the evening with some hot tea and homemade goodies made by her - yes, alcoholic ones, but not so much as I had to wake up early on Friday and go to work! ;) I have not had such a great time in a long while and I was so happy to talk freely and from heart to heart. Most of the people nowadays are shallow and they do not speak from their hearts. Or you think they speak from their hearts when in fact they are wearing a mask and they are shallow as shallow can get! I miss the times when people would just freely open up. Now everyone is afraid that other people may hurt them and they hide out in their own little snail shells - they focus so much on the shells and they build and build on them in time that the shell becomes like a rock and the house builds up into a place, until they are too comfortable with themselves to ever come out...
I love Kasia with all my heart. It is not in my nature to love just half way: either I love someone or I wish not to speak to them. Hate is such a harsh word and it terrifies me to hate. It is such a strong and powerful emotion that it can eat you up from inside, bit by bit, until you are no longer yourself! I love Kasia for being so open and warm and kind. I know her since I began working in the company I am in - she is no longer with it, she moved to Warsaw and has a better job there :) - and she is loyal and faithful and loving. It is said that Scorpio sign people do not get eye to eye with eachother but I have a few very close friends - old ones, to be noted also! - that are Scorpios as well. As am I! Now I do not believe in Horoscopes and they amuze me from time to time to read them but for those who are fans... surprise! We like eachother very much! She was born actually 1 day before I was born, one year later... :) She thinks about the world and the people clearly and she loves people that are beautiful on the inside. She sees beauty where others maybe cannot see and helps you smile when you are down. She can make you laugh and relax even when you had a hard a messed up day at work - as I did, the other day! She is a fairy :) I love her for what she is and what she can be and I am proud to be her friend. I actually had a long day on thursday - starting at around 6 am in the morning, with a few hours of sleep... below 6 hours... I had to go with another good friend to pick up some paperwork - yes, more papers for me! yey to bureaucracy! - and that was around 7 am. At 9 am I was at work and pulling reports until the end of the shift, around 4:30 pm. I met this lovely lady at the Multiplex and we had about a hour before the movie to talk a bit. As you guys/gals know, she was supposed to come to my wedding but she got ill and had to cancel the bus tickets she already bought as she stayed in bed the whole week! We had enough time also to fool around and go to the photo booth to take the above added pics ;)) I could not help not posting them! They were so much fun! The first picture was not supposed to come out like this but it took us by surprise. We thought that the picture was actually already taken, so please disregard it ;) I love them - each and every one! And they remind me of a day spent lovely!
We went for the movie The Butler and we both agreed that it was quite a great movie! We highly recommend it but I believe that I must first also see 12 Years As A Slave so I can compare! But as it is now the movie The Butler stole my heart and I loved the story and the idea and the way the movie was shot, adding also real footage from older times. I think that last year was the release of freedom for black/colored people - I am not sure how to put it so I would not sound disrespectul, as I really am not! I do not see the color of the skin as a difference between people, but rather what they have in their heart and in their mind! - and I am predicting a bunch of Oscars for one - or both - of these movies ;) Just you wait and see! :) The date ended at my and my husbands place where me and Kasia had some tea and we talked some more. She left a few minutes before midnight and about 3-4 minutes before my husband came from his business trip and that truly made my day! Good movie - Great talk with a dear friend - My Awesome Husband coming home to my arms... purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrfect day! Just like a holiday! :)

P.S. Just as a small FYI Friday was hard to bare ;))) felt like a Monday!

Yours truly,
The LadyBug Who Loves Her Friends :)


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