Download PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9 3 2
PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9.3.2 merupakan update terbaru dari patch PES 2017 yang dibuat oleh sMoKE patch yang akan memperbaiki bug yang masih terjadi di dalam patch sebelumnya. Jika anda adalah pengguna patch dari SMoKE ini, maka anda pasti akan mengalami beberapa bug khususnya ketika anda melakukan editing pemain. Nah bug tersebut memang masih terjadi di d alam PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9.3 dan juga PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9.3.1 yang sudah pernah admin bagikan sebelumnya.
Nah kini dengan adanya PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9.3.2 ini, anda tidak akan lagi menemukan bug tersebut. Karena tim SMoKE Patch sudah memperbaikinya di dalam update kali ini. Untuk dapat menggunakan PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9.3.2 ini, anda tidak perlu mendownload PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9.3.1. Tetapi sebelum menggunakan PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9.3.2 ini, anda terlebih dahulu harus menginstal PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9.3 di dalam game PES 2017 milik anda.
- Fixed bug players (edit file/database)
some players had a bug that will deform a player if edited, there was a small error in the database and now all are corrected, also there were some reports about some deformed player faces specially in the brazil league, faces are now corrected. - Fixed sarajevo and nepal (edit file)
this teams couldnt be used in exhibition due to a bug with the manager, both are corrected and can be used normally now. - Fixed transfers and squads (edit file)
all reported missing transfers are done, there might be some missing in minor teams but we keep reviewing the teams for new transfers, some new players couldnt be added due to lack of reference.
vasco da gama squad were those of another relegated team, now its done and the squad is correct. - Fixed save bug tachera/penarol (database)
fixed a database error that prevented the save file to be saved if one of these two teams is edited, there might be similar issues and will be corrected if found. - Fixed youth team system (edit file/database)
the youth team players were not correct, the players ID were used for other team and that made the players appear as old players in the youth team.
youth players are real players now and the old players moved to another ID to solve this issue.
you might find some youth players that changed names and attributes in ML. - Added faces (database)
added more real faces to the patch (112 new face), 31 faces were added in 9.3.1 and 80 new faces in this update. - Added real faces for referees (database)
added 25 real faces for the referees in the patch, the same faces that were used in the patch 2016 adapted to 2017. - Updated kits (database)
reviewed and updated more kits following fans reports.
thanks to Marcos W. for his effort specially with Latin America kits - Fixed ad-boards of Inter, Milan and Napoli (database)
various bugs found in some games in the serie A teams that crash or shows strange effects in the games, the problem was with a new ad-boards system and is now its rolled back the the previous ad-board system to fix this issue. - Various fixes and enhancements
a lot of other fixes and enhancements was done, we try to listen to the requests and reports and follow if possible.
Cara Instal
- Pastikan sebelumnya game PES 2017 milik anda sudah terinstal Smoke Patch 9.3
- Download dan ekstrak file "PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9.3.2" ini.
- Jalankan installer dengan cara klik kanan >> run as administrator.
- Pilih folder instalasi game PES 2017 di pc atau laptop anda.
- Done
Link Download
PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9.3.2 (286 Mb)
PES 2017 SMoKE Patch Update 9.3.2 (286 Mb)
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