Download Photoscape 2013 For Windows
Download Photoscape 2013 - For Windows
Photoscape is the fun and easy photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos.
PhotoScape is a complete photo editing suite that includes image browsing/viewing, photo editing, picture page printing, photo resizing and renaming, and even RAW conversion.
It also offers a variety of image effect filters and a collection of image frames and masks that can be applied to enhance the presentation of your photos. Photoscape also includes extensive printing options that allow you to create print layouts to combine multiple photos on a single page according to their print size.
Resize photos, adjust color and brightness.
Add text to images.
Combining multiple images.
A large variety of filters and effects.
You can add comments to the images
Images can be printed after the amendment
crop, sharpen and decolor as well as settings for contrast, levels, vignetting and many other image parameters
text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal, blooming
Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode.

Size: 20MB
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