Download Program Sumatra PDF

Download Program Sumatra PDF

Download Program Sumatra PDF

 has a simpler design, it takes precedence over a lot of features. Its small, very fast starts. Option a bit thin on the ground, it is possible to provide a very comfortable environment for reading SumatraPDF, to PDF, to print documents without much hassle. You can take this any day of Acrobat to view the e-book. This has been designed for portable use will: This is a single file, so you can run from an external USB drive easily, and it does not depend on the outside. This is classified as a portable application. As is characteristic of many portable applications, Sumatra is that we only occupy disk space.Windows 7, SumatraPDF works on Windows 2000 and Windows Vista, and XP.

3.84 MB 

Operating system: 

Windows 2000, Windows xp,
Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8
 (32-bit & 64-bit)

link installer
32-bit: installer or portable (zip) version.
64-bit: installer or portable (zip) version.

download file now


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