Download PSP Games

Download PSP Games

For information on how to put these on your PSP go to this post: How to put games on your PSP


Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman

Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger vs. Darkdeath Evilman single link
Tested on 5.00m33-6
Password: M823

God of War: Ghost of Sparta (Full game ISO fixed)

God of War: Ghost of Sparta part 1
God of War: Ghost of Sparta part 2
Tested on 5.00m33-6
Password: M823

Cladun: This is an RPG!

Cladun: This is an RPG! single link
Password: RA

Phantasy Star Portable 2

Phantasy Star Portable 2 single link
Tested on 5.00m33-6
Password: M823

Kingdom Heats Birth By Sleep USA

Kingdom Hearts USA part 1
Kingdom Hearts USA part 2
Tested on 5.00m33-6
Password: M823

UFC Undisputed 2010 USA

UFC Undisputed 2010 USA part 1
UFC Undisputed 2010 USA part 2
Password: RA

Valkyria Chronicles 2

Valkyria Chronicles 2 USA part 1
Valkyria Chronicles 2 USA part 2
Valkyria Chronicles 2 USA part 3
Valkyria Chronicles 2 USA part 4

Password : hako
Ripped : nothing
Tested : 5.00 M33-6

YS Seven USA

YS Seven USA single link
Password: RA
Tested on 5.00 M33-6

God Eater *english prototype patch v0.2, PLEASE READ BELOW*

First step:

Download the untouched ISO here:
>Megaupload single Link

Download the prototype patch here: *some things only translated; full english patch will be
released soon thanks to coldbird, truthekey and the team*

Prototype patch v0.2:
dated 08/07/2010
Download Prototype patch 0.2

Follow this instructions:

After the unpacking you will have those dirs:


Connect to your PSP and copy the content of the seplugins directory on your desktop, to the seplugins directory in your PSP root.
Be aware that if you use other plugins, you shouldnt overwrite your current game.txt but edit it and add:
"ms0:/seplugins/godeater.prx 1" manually.
The result should look like this (If you only have the patch installed.):


Copy the whole godeater directory in your PSP root. If you did it right, it should look like this:


You successfully patched God Eater.
Hint: If you want to update to a later release, you can use the steps explained here.
Just overwrite the old files. credit to Saiks

Persona 3 Portable USA

Megaupload Links:

Persona 3 Portable USA part 1
Persona 3 Portable USA part 2
Persona 3 Portable USA part 3
Persona 3 Portable USA part 4

Persona 3 Portable USA part 5

Password: hako
Tested : 5.00 M33-6

Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker USA FULL ISO 1.53 GB FIXED

MGS: PW USA part 1
MGS: PW USA part 2
Tested on 5.00m33-6
Password: M823

Disgaea 2 Dark Hero Days USA FULL ISO 757 MB FIXED

IFile Links:

Disgaea 2 USA Fixed part 1
Disgaea 2 USA Fixed part 2
Disgaea 2 USA Fixed part 3
Password : hako
Ripped : nothing
Tested : 5.00 M33-6

Hexyz Force USA


Hexyz Force USA part 1
Hexyz Force USA part 2
Hexyz Force USA part 3
Password: RA
Tested on 5.00m33-6

Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep English Patched *no plugins needed
(JAP ISO patched with ENG V.05)


Kingdom Hearts ENG patched part 1
Kingdom Hearts ENG patched part 2
Kingdom Hearts ENG patched part 3
Kingdom Hearts ENG patched part 4
Kingdom Hearts ENG patched part 5
Kingdom Hearts ENG patched part 6
Kingdom Hearts ENG patched part 7
Kingdom Hearts ENG patched part 8
Kingdom Hearts ENG patched part 9
Kingdom Hearts ENG patched part 10

*Tested on 5.00m33-6 and 5.50 gen-D3
*no need for plugins
*english patched v0.5

ModNation Racers EUR FULL ISO 1.67 GB FIXED


ModNation Racers part 1
ModNation Racers part 2
ModNation Racers part 3

Password: RA
*Tested on All CFW
*no need for plugins

Harvest Moon Hero of Leaf Valley (100% patched, no plugins needed)

Harvest Moon: Hero of Leaf Valley single link
Password: no password
100% FIXED SFX -- No bugs.
[tested on 5.00m33-6 and GEN]

Dead or Alive Paradise [EUR]

Dead or Alive Paradise [EUR] patched! single link
Password: no password
Note: The common bug/issue about the latest patch is that the photo album is not viewable. There will be another patch soon, Ill put it here once its done.

Mimana Iyar Chronicles USA

Mimana Iyar Chronicles [USA] single link
Tested 5.00m33-6
No password.

Blazblue Calamity Trigger [USA]

Blazblue Calamity Trigger [USA] single link

Tested 5.00m33-6
No password.

The Red Star

The Red Star single link
Password: no password
Configuration :
UMD Mod (currently : Sony NP9660 -NO UMD-)
Tested 5.00m33-6

Patchwork Heroes

Patchwork Heroes single link
Password: no password
Configuration :
UMD Mod (currently : Sony NP9660 -NO UMD-)
Tested 5.00m33-6

Dantes Inferno

Dantes Inferno part 1
Dantes Inferno part 2
Password: M823
Configuration :
UMD Mod (currently : Sony NP9660 -NO UMD-)
Tested 5.00m33-6

Lunar Silver Star Harmony

Lunar Silver Star Harmony single link
Password: no password

Configuration :
UMD Mod (currently : Sony NP9660 -NO UMD-)
Tested 5.00m33-6

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds Tag Force 4

Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds Tag Force 4 single link

Password: alpha
Tested 5.00m33-6


.Hack//Link single link
Password: alpha
Tested 5.00m33-6


SOCOM FTB 3 single link
Tested 5.00m33-6
No password.

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite

Monster Hunter Freedom Unite single link
Password: sheeda
Tested 5.00m33-6

Class of Heroes

Class of Heroes single link
Password: sheeda
Tested 5.00m33-6

DJ Max Black Square

DJ Max Black Square part 1
DJ Max Black Square part 2
pass: M823
Tested 5.00m33-6

FF VII Crisis Core

FF VII Crisis Core part 1
FF VII Crisis Core part 2
pass: M823
Tested 5.00m33-6

Buzz Brain Bender

Buzz Brain Bender single link
pass: M823
Tested 5.00m33-6

NFS Undercover

NFS Undercover single link
pass: M823
Tested 5.00m33-6

Monster Jam: Urban Assault

Monster Jam: Urban Assault single link
pass: M823
Tested 5.00m33-6

Smack Down 09

Smack Down 09 single link
pass: M823
Tested 5.00m33-6

Crimson Gem Saga

Crimson Gem Saga single link
pass: M823
Tested 5.00m33-6

Yggdra Union

Yggdra Union single link
pass: M823
Tested 5.00m33-6

Midnight Club L.A. Remix

Midnight Club L.A. Remix part 1
Midnight Club L.A. Remix part 2
Tested 5.00m33-6
No password.

Star Ocean 1st Departure

Star Ocean 1st Departure part 1
Star Ocean 1st Departure part 2
pass: M823
Tested 5.00m33-6

Valhalla Knights 2

Valhalla Knights 2 single link
pass: M823
Tested 5.00m33-6

Madden NFL 10

Madden NFL 10 single link
Password: sheeda
Tested 5.00m33-6

Killzone Liberation

Killzone Liberation single link
Password: sheeda
Tested 5.00m33-6

G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra

G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra single link
Password: sheeda
Tested 5.00m33-6

Tiger Woods 10

Tiger Woods 10 single link
Password: sheeda
Tested 5.00m33-6

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings

Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings single link
Password: sheeda
Tested 5.00m33-6

Rockband Unplugged

Rockband Unplugged single link
Password: sheeda
Tested 5.00m33-6

Dynasty Warriors: Strikeforce
download file now


About Unknown

Author Description here.. Nulla sagittis convallis. Curabitur consequat. Quisque metus enim, venenatis fermentum, mollis in, porta et, nibh. Duis vulputate elit in elit. Mauris dictum libero id justo.

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