Download Reeder Free for iPhone iPad and Mac

Download Reeder Free for iPhone iPad and Mac

Download Reeder Free for iPhone, iPad and Mac
As Google announced that it�s Google Reader service is closing on July 1st. The announcement has changed a lot for feed readers. Most of the RSS feed reader application and services has changed their business strategy. Reeder, one of the most popular RSS feed reading app for iPhone, iPad and Mac OS has announced to go free. The current version of Reeder for iPhone will support Feedbin, Feedly, Feed Wrangler services and standalone/local RSS without syncing.

Reader for iPhone and iPad allows user to read and manage their feed article list more easily using gesture, you can swipe right/left to toggle unread/starred, swipe right/left to toggle unread/starred, two-finger swipe up/down to mark as read above/below, swipe right to go back to article list, swipe left to open in-app browser, pinch-to-zoom for images. Reeder sharing works from the article view and in-app browser. You can share articles, sites, links, text selections and images (article view only, tap on image to share). Sharing services: (recommend and read later), Buffer, Readability, Instapaper, Pocket, Evernote, Pinboard, Zootool, Delicious,, Twitter, Facebook (iOS 6 only), Messages, Mail.

 Download free Reeder for iPhone and iPad.
Download free Reeder for Mac OS.
Reeder Website

download file now


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