Download ScrollNavigator v5 3 0 Software horizontal and vertical scrolling windows

Download ScrollNavigator v5 3 0 Software horizontal and vertical scrolling windows

  • Category: Software � Desktop " icon and cursor
ScrollNavigator you a Mac to move your documents horizontally or vertically.
With a simple click and hold down the right mouse button anywhere in a window and move the mouse can move the contents of the window. It leads to other problems caused by placing the mouse cursor on your windows do not have scroll bar to scroll easily and simultaneously in both directions (horizontal and vertical) Be.
ScrollNavigator in all windows that have standard scroll bars (like windows programs, Windows and program office), works. In addition ScrollNavigator a dynamic acceleration to your mouse wheel to scroll adds, and this feature makes them more efficient and enjoyable. 
A key feature of the software ScrollNavigator:
- Scroll to the sides of the window with a mouse click
- Scroll through the window without having to put the cursor on the scroll bar
- Works with all standard applications
- The Mac it disables the scroll navigation by pressing "Ctrl"
- Add dynamic acceleration to your mouse wheel (configurable feature)
- Ability to customize the program
- And ...
ScrollNavigator Screenshot 1 ScrollNavigator Screenshot 2 ScrollNavigator Screenshot 3 ScrollNavigator Screenshot 4

download file now


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