Download Sketsa SVG Editor for Windows Mac Linux

Download Sketsa SVG Editor for Windows Mac Linux

Download Sketsa SVG Editor for Windows, Mac Linux
Sketsa SVG Editor is a vector drawing application based on SVG that is available for Windows, Linux and Mac OS. With Sketsa SVG Editor, you can create vector graphics that can be scaled and printed at any resolution, without losing detail or clarity. Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) is a graphics format and technology based on XML developed by W3C. Sketsa SVG Editor is a useful and easy to use graphic application that allows you to edit SVG files. With Sketsa SVG Editor, you can create vector graphics that can be scaled and printed at any resolution, without losing detail or clarity.

You also get instant visual feedback on what you changed. Sketsa SVG Editor features various tools for optimizing content creation, giving designers unsurpassed support for creativity. The visual design tools allows designer to select, draw, and edit objects easily, while the integrated DOM Editor and SVG XML source editor allow you to hand edit SVG source code for greater control.
Download 30 days trial Sketsa SVG Editor for Windows & Linux.
Download trial Sketsa SVG Editor for Mac OS.
Sketsa SVG Editor file size 16.2MB.
Sketsa SVG Editor

download file now


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