Download Skype for Windows Skype 5 6 0 110 Download

Download Skype for Windows Skype 5 6 0 110 Download

Software installers which download data from servers to complete installation are an irritating, albeit upcoming trend. Yahoo Messenger, Skype, Google Chrome (I noticed it when reviewing Google Chrome) etc. are some of the programs which require you to be online while installing the program.

They typically have an installer file under 1 MB, which then download files to complete installation. While this might not be a problem for broadband users, dialup users and others with poor connectivity would benefit from an offline installer that you could get from a nearby web browsing center (in your USB drive, for example).
Skype standalone offline installer

Skype has a standalone installer (which works even if you are offline).

Click Here to Download

Download Skype offline installer and double click it to begin setup. You will be prompted with a UAC warning, click Accept.
Free full offline Skype setup file
In the second step, make sure you leave the checkbox empty for �Yes, I want to install Browser Highlighter�. You would not even find it interesting unless you�re a power user.
Skype offline installer file
Get Skype full standalone install files

Skype should now be installed and ready to use thanks to our standalone installer. This was tested on a Windows Vista system, although It should work on Windows XP and Windows 7 too � leave a comment if you find any problems while using the offline installer. Using this also allows you to install Skype on multiple computers without having to download the online Skype setup file multiple times � saving bandwidth.

download file now


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