Download Skype Portable 7 30 32 103 Direct Link

Download Skype Portable 7 30 32 103 Direct Link

Skype Portable, instant messaging, video chat and phone calls
The new version adds not only a fresh look, but also faster performance, easier group chatting, and better notification control. Theres really no single communication service that offers everything Skype does. �Michael Muchmore,, June 23, 2013.
A great messenger for voice and video calls. �Iwillneverstop (a user),, Dec 26, 2012.
Honestly if I could I would give 0 stars. If Skype needs to start charging, I think they should. Id rather pay an annual fee than to be exposed to this kind of video calls. I cant even say 2 sentences before it disconnects. �Franklin of Tallahassee, FL on Oct. 4, 2014,
Skype keeps the world talking. Call, message and share whatever you want for free.

Size: 122 MB (127,979,520 bytes) Packed Size: 47.4 MB (49,795,072 bytes)
MD5: 1D2EB9C08DB80EDE96C65886CE88776D

HoloLens Plugin:
  • We include the HoloLens plugin�FAQ about using Skype for HoloLens�thats why the size is bigger.
  • We dont have HoloLens, so if you have one, please tell us about it via versapps/at/ or Google+ or other social links at the top menu. If its not working, well remove it from our next releases.
  • Thanks for your feedbacks :)

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