Download Top 5 Best Browsers for Android Phones Tablets

Download Top 5 Best Browsers for Android Phones Tablets

Well every android user must try this Top 5 Best Browsers for both Android ICS Phones and Tablets. People can download this web browsers from Google Play market at free of cost. All this browers are working excellent on Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich ICS and also latest Jelly Bean 4.1 OS. Whenever we want to buy something online or chat with close friends on Facebook etc we need an internet connection. Well, that�s what a common man thinks; actually you also need a browser for surfing the internet. Without a browser, you won�t be able to convert the HTML pages into the webpage. Browser�s main function is to change the HTML, PHP, SQL etc kind of codes into normal webpages. Other things like add-ons, themes, adobe flash player and tabbed browsing etc are the extra features. This is the 21st and people are developing a taste of Tablets. There are hundreds of tablets present in the market ranging from a few thousand dollars to just a few hundred. So, are browsers available on tablets too? Well, yes there are browsers for tablets too. That�s why we have compiled the list of Top 5 Browsers for Android OS.

1.Dolphin Browser:

Dolphin browser is my favorite browser in this list. The Dolphin Browser is completely free and offers you almost all the features that your desktop-browser can offer. It even supports gesture browsing. For example, if you will make a question mark � Google will open etc. The fun just doesnt stop here with Dolphin Browser, you can even speak the site�s name and the site will be loaded. Other features are tabbed browsing, bookmarking, add-ons etc. Download Dolphin Browser Apk from Here


Firefox is one of the most used browsers in the world. There are a lot of things that Firefox�s desktop version can offer you but can the Android version do the same? Yes, the Firefox browser for Android can do almost all the things that Firefox desktop version can do. Above that, it�s totally free apk to download. Here

3. Opera Mini

Opera Mini browser has always been number one in the list when it comes to the best browsers in the cheap range phones. Opera Mini is available on Android OS too and offers almost all the basicfeatures that are needed in the browser like tabbed browsing, bookmarking pages etc. Download free Opera Mini Brower Apk app from Here

4. Chrome:

Google Chrome, likewise Firefox, is also one of the largest used browsers in the world. Android is the brainchild of Google and Google Chrome is developed by Google programmers so it becomes quite necessary for Android developers to make Google Chrome work amazingly on the Android OS. You can sync your desktop Google Chrome�s bookmarks with this Android edition. Chrome for Android even supports HTML 5. Download Apk App from Here

5. UC Browser:

You may have not even heard the name of this browser but it�s doing a pretty good job. UC Browser is completely free to download and is amazing. UC Browser supports tabbed browsing, saving bookmarks etc. Download Apk App from Here

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