Download Torrent File via IDM DAP Super Fast as Premium

Download Torrent File via IDM DAP Super Fast as Premium

Download Torrent Through IDM

Now Days, Downloading Torrent File through IDM (Any other Download Manager) is going very popular and Even Everyone using these Methods rather than using torrent Client (Utorrent, Bittorrent...etc). So here I found a GrEAT Service. is website which Convert Transfer any Torrent file into your Account. i.e. When you need to download a torrent file you just copy it magnet link and Paste your magnet link into Link fetcher Box and It will start fetching your torrent file.
In between when is fetching your torrent file you dont have to keep Your account open because It will not use your Internet Data. Come back after sometime when fetching will be done.
NOTE : You will have the limit upto 1GB. so, you cant fetch a single torrent file having size more than  1GB.
I am explaining step by step to download torrent file through . Take a Look at Below Steps and Screenshots.
  1. Go here & Register Yourself.
  2. Now Click on "Add New Files" Button.
  3. You can either upload your torrent file or Paste the Link of your Torrent File. (See Screenshot 1 below)
  4. Now your Transfer will start in Transfer Tab. (see screenshot 2 below)
  5. Once the Transferring Completed, you will be ready to download your file. (see screenshot 3)
  6. Now take a Look at screenshot 4 about the Detail of your Download.

Screenshot 1
Screenshot 2
Screenshot 3
Screenshot 4
If it worked for you Comment Below and Let the Others Know  !!!

download file now


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