Download Warkey for Dota

Download Warkey for Dota

WarKey++ 6.5 EN Great Warcraft 3 Hotkey Changer (1.26a Fix)

WarKey++ 6.5 EN  (1.26a Fix)

This tool allows you to change Warcraft 3 shortcut keys.
The warkey not affect the speech (which is automatically repaid warkey) and easy to use. Warkey is suitable for all gaming platforms (garena, Warkey is a requirement for the professional game.

Download Warkey++ 6.5 EN

Program features:
The Warkey + + has no effect on the chat system (Warkey is automatically disabled while typing) and easy to use. Warkey + + is suitable for any platform game (Garena,

Compatible with the latest patch for Warcraft 3 1.26ae before.
Enable / disable the enemy / ally HP bars

(Home) Active/disable "hotkey function" hotkey
(End) Active/disable "AI block mouse" hotkey
(Alt+[) Hotkey: show allys hp bar
(Alt+]) Hotkey: show enemys hp bar
(Alt+M) Hotkey: check current state of function 
(Alt+P) Hotkey: Pause/Resume "game"
(Alt+F4) Hotkey: Quit Game

Other Functions:
Automatically shield left [Win] when gaming
Automatically shield right [Win] when gaming
Hero skills Modify hotkeys

Quick Message:
Text preceded by "ALL|" to send to everyone
Text preceded by "OUR|" to send to allies

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