Download WeChat apk WeChat Free apk Download WeChat App

Download WeChat apk WeChat Free apk Download WeChat App


Here is the most popular application, that brings you steady and fast communication between you and your loved ones, get this apk now and see how quick sending test can be..
WeChat is an application that connects you to your family and friends through chat,videos and other ways. This application is used to chat,exchange videos,photos and even share moments. WeChat app has a means of connecting many individuals in different places all over the world to form one chat group.

This application has recorded to have gotten above 700 million subscribers and users all over the world. It is one application that can be used to connect individuals all over the world, one can from this application send SMS/MMS, voice message,videos and games to friends all over the world.

Download WeChat apk this application and start enjoying sending your messages, photos,videos,songs and making voice calls at low rates. Through this application one can create a group chat that can comprise up to 500 people and also do group video calls to up to 9 people.

WeChat apk download has hundreds of Sticker gallery, that consist of animated stickers where you can express your feelings from some of your favorite cartoons and movies, through this application you can share your best moments with your friends and loved ones through your personal photo stream. This application help you direct your friends on your location, that is instead of describing to someone in a long text on your location where the person can find you, just use real - time location sharing and the system will do the description for you.

This application has up to 20 different languages and can translate messages to any language,meaning that through his application you can learn above 19 new languages. WeChat download has so many interesting features which cannot be over emphasized therefore, just get wechat application and be sure of communicating with your friends and loved ones easily at all  times. For more clarifications on what you are about to download, below are the interesting features of WeChat application.

Features of WeChat application:
  1. you can chat and make video calls through it
  2. send videos, photos,text messages
  3. you can call landlines and mobile line at a reduced call rate
  4. learn languages and also share your moments
  5. its highly secured 
  6. through WeChat you can make new friends.
How To Download WeChat app:
  1. go to your Google play store in your phones
  2. type WeChat in the search symbol 
  3. select this apk among the listed application that google will bring out for you and
  4. click on download  


download file now


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