Download xVideoServiceThief 2 5

Download xVideoServiceThief 2 5

Download xVideoServiceThief 2.5
VideoServiceThief (a.k.a xVST) is a tool for downloading your favourite video clips from a lot of video websites (currently supports 93 websites and increasing!).

xVideoServiceThief also provide you the ability to convert each video in most popular formats: AVI, MPEG1, MPEG2, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MP3 file formats.

xVideoServiceThief offers:
Download from Youtube & Co.
Download Videos from a lot of important Web Video Services: YouTube, Yahoo, Google Videos, Metacafe, etc...

Convert downloaded videos
Convert each video to one of most popular format: AVI, MPEG1, MPEG2, WMV, MP4, 3GP, MP3.

HTTP & RTMP support
Download almost any video from internet via HTTP and RTMP protocols.

Schedule configuration
Configure your own download shcedules and let the xVST to download your videos when you are not using your computer!

Simultaneous downloads
Download more than one video at same time and safe time.

Core based on plugins
Extend your copy of xVST with your own JavaScript plugins.

Pause and resume downloads
Pause, resume or cancel your downloads if you need more connection to perform other important tasks.

Search videos
Search videos inside the xVST and download (or play) them!

Drag & Drop support
Drop your video links directly to the xVideoServiceThief so you dont need to copy and paste the video urls.

Automatic updates
Keep your copy of xVST updated automatically so you dont need be worried about new versions.

Bug Report
You can help to improve the future versions sending us anonimus repots using the Bug Tracker feature.

Proxy server support
This feature is currently under beta version.

Tray Icon feature
Let your xVST to work in background mode.

Customizable websites
Select which websites are allowed and which websites must be blocked.

Downloads Log
All downloads are saved into historic file so you can see what videos has been downloaded.

Session Manager
Save and Restore your download lists automatically.

Use xVideoService in your language, currently xVST supports more than 14 diferent languages.

Language manager
Install and uninstall languages inside the xVST and dont worry about download and install manually the new languages.

Children protection
Disable adult website support and protect your children from porn sites.

Accessible information
xVST has usable information for people with some disabilities.

xVideoServicethief is available for the following platforms: Windows, Linx and MacOSX.

Download xVideoServiceThief 2.5

download file now


About Unknown

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