Fallout Online register for the Beta now and get behind me in the queue to the Vaults!
Yes you can register for the beta of Fallout Online on Interplays offical website , lets hope there is a lifetime sub for this , and it lasts longer than the average MMORPG , does not involve the go from a to b pick up x shoot y and collect gold mechanic that has doomed all the recent MMOs ..
And you thought all they cared about was Earthworm Jim?
How about a non static game world where we can own parts of the map , tactically taking an entire city , holding it and developing it then defending it ,questing or living within in it , along with fellow players from ai and enemy players . Fallout was the first post apocalyptic game series you could get married and divorced in ! Some ebb and flow in our MMORPG and less of the bash the big monster with 100 random mouseclicking non friends/siblings/spouses after grinding through another set of tunnels/corridors?
The illusion of actually living and struggling is key to the early Fallout series lets hope the developers manage to instil some of the old magic.
The real test however will be if Southpark cannot parody the game.....
And can someone at Interplay do for Descent , and Freespace , what Infinity Ward have done for the FPS please!
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