FarmVille Guide Feather Collection Guide

FarmVille Guide Feather Collection Guide

Feather Collection

Currently the FarmVille game collections include the Gardening Tools collection, Country Kitsch Collection, Bugs Collection, Feather Collection and Butterfly Collection. I have put together all the information you need to know to complete all your collections. Find out how to get the FarmVille game collections and collectibles and what are in each set.

This chart shows you what items are in the FarmVille Feather Collection, what you need to do to get the items, and how common they are.

FarmVille Game Feather Collection


Green Plume

Hen Feather

Dapple Plume

Red Feather

Banded Quill

Blue Feather
How Common






How To Get Feathers

Sending gifts

Harvesting chickens

Harvesting ducks

Fertilizing neighbors crops

Harvesting turkeys and geese

Harvesting trees


With all collections once you have collected all 6 items in 1 set, you can trade them all in for a reward:

  • 250 XP or
  • 5000 coins or
  • 5 Tanks of fuel

download file now


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