FATE Review Guide

FATE Review Guide

Title:  FATE
Genre:  Action, Rpg, Adventure, Dungeon crawler, RTS, Hack and Slash, Fantasy
Location:  Box


Very Shallow.  Your just a adventurer and wants fame and fortune.


Nice gameplay, but the A.I. can be better.  Sometimes strong enemies are place under the entrance.  Youll be force to run, by doing so youll agro more enemies kindda cheap.   Some enemies cannot be seen because of poor camera angle.  Repetitive gameplay.  The quest in the game is very simple like fetch, kill.   


Same as music over and over.  


Mouse - Movement 
Right mouse - Use spell
Tab / M - Increase map size
P - Pet inventory
I - Inventory 
B - Spellbook
R - Auto run
C- Character stats
J- Journal (Quest) 
Alt - Reveal all items 
Arrow key - Briefly change camera angle 
V - Save game 

Club and Mace

Sword skill - Increase attack rating and damage with sword
Club and Mace skill - Increase attack rating and damage with club of mace.
Hammer skill - Increase attack rating and damage using a hammer.
Axe skill - Increase attack rating and damage using an axe.
Spear skill - Increase attack rating and damage using spear.
Staff skill-  Increase attack rating and damage using staff
Polearm skill - Increase attack rating and damage using Polearm
Bow and Crossbow skill - Increase attack rating and damage using bow and Crossbow
Critical strike skill - Increase chance of landing critical strike
Spell casting skill - Reduce casting time
Dual Wielding skill - Increase attack of left and right weapon equip.
Shield battle skill   - Increase block chance
Attack magic skill - Increase attack magic damage
Defense magic skill - Increase duration of Defense magic
Charm magic skill - Increase potency of charm magic (Identify, summon, etc)


Opal - Add Ice Damage/Resistance to weapon or armor.
Ruby - Add Fire Damage/Resistance to weapon or armor.
Jade - Increase attack speed
Bloodstone - Increase damage
Fist of Samson - Add 7% damage, + 10 Strength, Add, -10 Magic
Sapphire - Increase magic recovery   




1. To save gold, keep spell of identify so you dont need to buy scroll every time you need to identify an item. 
 2.   When using a shrine to test your fate it is a good idea to back up your save file.  If you did not gain a good favor just reload your back up.
3.  If your going enchant an item make sure that it has the best quality.  You can see by its stats and it is indicated with a medal or star in the upper right corner.
4.  Sending back your pet with low hp to town will heal it when returned.
5.  If your going to gamble pick with a weapon of armor with a higher stat than your currently using.  If the item is not that go at least it has a higher stat than the ones you are currently using.
6.  In this game Knock back is bad for melee weapon special if your doing an attack speed build.  Use knock back for long range weapon since you need distance for you to be effective.
7.  Sometimes you cannot choose the ability for your gear.  If you manage to land a good weapon but have the knock back ability use "Web" on your enemies.  Most of the time the monster will be slowed and stuck at one location and cannot move.  Web sometimes negate the knock back ability.   


1. Dont use knock back it will sometimes put enemies inside the wall.

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