FDA Hosts Workshop on Medical Device Cybersecurity in 2016

FDA Hosts Workshop on Medical Device Cybersecurity in 2016

Im pleased to announce that FDA will be holding its 2nd workshop on Collaborative Approaches to Medical Device Cybersecurity on January 20-21, 2016 at FDAs White Oak headquarters. This public workshop will bring together the stakeholders who have been communicating over the last couple years to find collaborative ways to improve rather than whine about medical device security.

On everyones minds is the anticipated FDA guidance document on post-market cybersecurity as well as the AAMI guidance document on medical device security that many of us have been toiling over for multiple years to help medical device engineers incorporate cybersecurity best practices into the early requirements engineering, design, and implementation of medical devices.

For others in the cyberphysical systems space, one might come a day early because the National Highway Traffic Safety Agency will be holding a suspiciously similarly sounding Vehicle Cybersecurity Roundtable on January 19, 2016!

All these interesting workshops will be leading up to the 4th Annual Archimedes Workshop on Medical Device Security in May 16-17, 2016 in Ann Arbor, MI.

See you there!

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