FE Awakening Drama CD 1 4 Girl Talk
In which Anna brings along a fabulous repertoire of sound effects (and also talks too quickly in general) and Lonqu continues to hate his life.
A friend of mine helped me decipher some of the more problematic lines in this one. Thank you, friend. :D Also thanks to Lyrl for correcting a couple of the lines!
Fire Emblem Awakening Drama CD Volume 1
Track 4: Girl Talk
[BGM: �But, Frederick, it�s nearly dark!�]
[background noises, people talking]
Nowi: Gaius disappeared.
Lissa: And we went to the trouble of inviting him to eat with us, too.
Lon�qu: That rogue feels no need to engage in displays of mutual praise.
Cordelia: Well, this time we didn�t really do anything worthy of praise.
Tharja: Even I read the mood this time. ...perhaps I should curse him.
Cordelia: But is it really all right for you to have dinner here, Lissa? You are a princess, after all.
Lissa: Oh, stop! Don�t worry about that now! Even Lon�qu�s here, and he�s bad with women. I had to come.
Lon�qu: E-enough about me. Just leave it.
Nowi: Hasn�t Lon�qu changed?
Lissa: That�s right! Lon�qu, you go out with us more than before. Does that mean you don�t have a problem with women anymore?
Lon�qu: Ugh� must you always mention that?
Cordelia: Maybe Lon�qu�s opening up to everyone.
Nowi: It�s like he�s getting softer!
Tharja: That is not something a swordsman would enjoy hearing.
Lon�qu: Y-you� all you have done is chatter endlessly. Put an end to--
Anna: Hmm? What are you all doing? It looks you�re having fun together.
Nowi: Oh! Anna!
Anna: It�s been a while.
Lissa: Anna! What�ve you been up to? You suddenly disappeared after the war ended.
Anna: Hm? Ahh� haha, well, you know�
Cordelia: Anna! Chrom may choose to overlook your business as a merchant, but you�re also one of us! You�re a member of our company!
Anna: Yes, yes. I�m sorry.
[sound of cloth shifting, chair creaking]
Anna: A favorable wind has started blowing in this country, so I thought I�d prepare some new merchandise. The wedding of the prince who brought an end to the war� this kind of economic boom won�t happen again!
Nowi: Eco...nomic?
Cordelia: It�s when people spend more and business improves.
Lissa: Yeah, yeah. Everyone�s gotten happier! I hope Ylisse keeps prospering like this.
Cordelia: That�s right.
[chair creaking]
Anna: Yes� ahem.
Anna: Allow me to say something. Everyone gathered here, this definitely concerns you too, you know.
[sound of a glass being put down]
Lissa: Huh?
Tharja: What� do you mean?
Anna: I�m saying there�s something you all have to do if you want to help this country flourish.
Cordelia: Something we must do� ah. Do you mean protect the public order for the sake of peace?
Lissa: Or defeat the Risen?
Nowi: Or stop the fighting?
Tharja: Or cast curses?
Anna: Incorrect! Honestly, all of you are eligible single women, so why are you playing innocent? There�s something more important, right?
Lissa: I-I don�t have any idea what you�re talking about!
Anna: I�m saying! The head of this country just got married. Doesn�t it make you want to be happy like that too?
Lissa: Ylisse is peaceful now, so I think everyone is plenty happy.
Tharja: Me too. I am plenty happy right now.
[Anna breathes in deeply, BANG, sparkle]
[utensils clatter to the ground]
[BGM: �The Vaike never forgets! I just don�t always remember.�]
Lissa: M-m-m-m-m-married!?
Tharja: Heeheehee� you�re right, now that you mention it. I had overlooked that. Though it was not something I was planning to pursue...
Anna: It makes sense, right? Get married, have children, and raise the next generation! It�s the happiest way to contribute to the country�s bright future!
Lissa: M-marriage� I wonder what it�s like.
Nowi: I want to have a happy marriage too!
Anna: Right, right! Isn�t there anyone you�ve fallen in love with? This is the perfect chance to confess your feelings! You should ride the waves of happiness enveloping this country and become happy yourselves!
Cordelia: M-my feelings are still in disarray. It�s rather complicated.
Lissa: T-that�s impossible. It�s too sudden.
Tharja: Is now the right time... to exchange oaths of blood?
Anna: What? Why are you all hesitating? Haha. Let�s just start with someone who makes you think, �Well, that might be fun.� It�s important to first decide who to fall in love with. Like� hm, that�s right� [gasps, claps] How about Frederick, the knight?
Lissa: F-Frederick!?
Cordelia: She�s right. Frederick�s appearance, personality, and intelligence leave nothing to be desired.
Tharja: But he�s� too perfect at everything.
Nowi: And Frederick�s mind is always on Chrom!
Lissa: Oh� right. That�s true.
Anna: There�s� really a lot to consider, huh. In that case, hm� [claps] What about Gaius?
Nowi: I love Gaius! He gives me candy!
Cordelia: He was formerly a thief, but he�s actually quite honest. But�
Tharja: Gaius is� blunt and crude.
Anna: Hmm� this won�t do at all� [squeak squeak] Ah? [boing]
Lon�qu: ...hey. ...why are you looking at me?
[chair creaks]
Anna: What about Lon�qu? He comes off as apathetic and unapproachable, but isn�t that attractive in its own way?
Lon�qu: What!? [cough, choke] Wh-wh- [gasp]
Lissa: Lon�qu! He is pretty cool!
Cordelia: And he has won Khan Basilio�s favor, so he has a promising future!
Tharja: Lon�qu is serious, skilled, and dependable.
Anna: Well, aren�t you popular, Lon�qu! Now doesn�t that make you happy?
Lon�qu: May I� excuse myself?
Lissa: But�
Cordelia: That�s right.
Tharja: Lon�qu� cannot stand women.
Nowi: That�s kind of a problem!
Lon�qu: Geh� what have I done to deserve this?
Anna: Well, you don�t have to worry about infidelity if he can�t stand women, right? [sigh] Honestly, haven�t you all set your standards too high? Then� ah! [shing] Isn�t there someone who�s perfect? A dashing young man!
Girls: Huh?
Tharja: You don�t mean...
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