FE Awakening Drama CD 4 3 Royal Crown Search Mission die Tiara Suche Mission

FE Awakening Drama CD 4 3 Royal Crown Search Mission die Tiara Suche Mission

...so about that title. 8|; its something owain says in the course of this track. theres a note explaining it at the end.

Fire Emblem Awakening Drama CD Volume 4
Track 3: Royal Crown Search Mission (die Tiara Suche Mission)

[crickets chirping.  a tent flap is pushed aside.]
Severa: All right!  Everyone�s here!
Inigo: You�re late, Severa.
Laurent: You are well past the designated meeting time.  You were the one who initially proposed we meet without telling Lucina.  And yet--
Severa: Yeah, yeah, I�m sorry!  It�s not my fault!  I couldn�t just tell Lucina where I was going!
Noire: [gasp] You talked to Lucina?
Gerome: How was she?
Severa: [sigh] ...she didn�t say anything about this morning, but she still looked pretty upset.
Noire: That�s right.  She lost something so precious to her�

[BGM: �We should turn in for the night.�]

Laurent: We were just discussing this, but we are not far from last night�s campsite. Shall we keep this a secret from Lucina and continue searching?
Cynthia: We�ll call it �The Great Tiara-Searching Strategy!� [sparkle]
Owain: Wait.  If it�s a secret plan, shouldn�t we call it the Royal Crown Search Mission, �die Tiara Suche Mission�? [1]
Cynthia: Huuuuh?  The Great Searching Strategy is more heroic!
Severa: W-well!  Putting aside the name, it looks like we�re agreed.  We�ll look for the tiara.
Inigo: Good.  Then let�s all go tomorrow.
Laurent: Wait, Inigo.  It is inadvisable for everyone to search.
Inigo: Huh?  Why?
Laurent: If all of us are missing, Lucina will be suspicious.  In addition, in the event that something untoward happens, it is better if some of us remain.
Inigo: Oh.  You�re right.
Cynthia: Then let�s draw lots to figure out who stays behind.
Owain: Oh, I�ll make the lots.  Anyone got paper?
Noire: Um, around here� ah, there it is. [hands it over]
Owain: Hey, thanks. [begins tearing]
Gerome: The search party should split into two groups.  It will be hard to move about with too many people.
Cynthia: Then, then, we�ll split into three groups, one that stays behind and two that search.
Owain: Leave it to me!  All right� the Violet Team and the Schwarz Team.  And the last one�
Severa: Who cares about that?  Hurry up!
Owain: Tch.  You have no sense of adventure. [flips through pages] Okay, done.  Now, everyone, make your decision!
Laurent: Thank you.
Severa: Everyone got one?
All: Yeah.
Severa: We�ll work with these groups tomorrow, okay?  And no complaining about who you end up with.
Noire: I-I�m getting excited for some reason�
Owain: Okay, everyone ready?  All together!  Ready, set, go!
[everyone flips theirs open]
Severa: Huh?  I�m staying behind.
Laurent: As am I.  Let�s do our best, Severa.
Cynthia: I�m in the search team, Team Violet!  Whoooo�s going with me~?
Gerome: ...me.
Cynthia: Gerome?  Yaaaaay!  I�ll be counting on you!
Inigo: I�m searching with Team Schwarz�
Noire: Me too.
Inigo: Really?  Yesss!  I�m glad you�re with me, Noire!  The two of us will work hard together.  If anything happens, I�ll protect--
Owain: No, it�s not just you two.
Inigo: Huh?
Owain: Fate has once again decreed that I walk the path shrouded in darkness� Team Schwarz!  I�ll be counting on you, you two!
Inigo: What, Owain�s coming too?
Owain: What?  Any objections?
Inigo: No, not at all. [shifts, then annoyed] Everyone else is in a guy-girl group, so why�d it have to be us?
Severa: UGHHHH, GAWDS!  You just won�t shut up!  I said no complaining!  It�s DECIDED!
Inigo: Huuuuuh?
Laurent: Well then, everyone, let�s all set off tomorrow morning.  Leave Lucina to Severa and me.
Cynthia: I�m getting excited!  Okaaaaay, everyone, let�s work hard tomorrow!
All: Yeah!

[1] Originally Owain called it "Searching Mission of Tiara" in English.  I guess its a "secret mission", so hes giving it a name in another language, super sneakily.  Since that doesnt quite work when translated, and since he seems to have a German thing going on later on with the team name, I stuck it in Google Translate and got out equally sketchy German.  Yes, its supposed to be slightly incorrect. :P

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