Fedora 25 Enable gnome notifications Fedmsg and Openweather
This tutorial is about gnome environment and notifications.
If you want to see notifications about your work and account under Fedora distro or just to see the weather then you need to deal with this tools.
Take a look to your gnome version and shell version:
[mythcat@localhost ~]$ gnome-about --gnome-version
Version: 2.32.0
Distributor: Red Hat, Inc
Build Date: 02/04/2016
[mythcat@localhost ~]$ gnome-shell --version
GNOME Shell 3.22.3
Use the dnf install tool and get this packages: gnome-weather.noarch : A weather application for GNOME
gnome-weather-tests.noarch : Tests for the gnome-weather package
gnome-shell-extension-openweather.noarch : Display weather information from many
gnome-shell-extension-apps-menu.noarch : Application menu for GNOME Shell
gnome-shell.x86_64 : Window management and application launching for GNOME
gnome-shell-extension-common.noarch : Files common to GNOME Shell Extensions
gnome-tweak-tool.noarch : A tool to customize advanced GNOME 3 options
Use this command to make settings: [mythcat@localhost ~]$ gnome-tweak-tool
You will see a window with options for enable Fedmsg and Openweather notifications.After select on option then just use right click to make settings for each extension.

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