fedora Install latest VirtualBox

fedora Install latest VirtualBox

The latest virtualbox can be installed from the Oracle repository. First of all we need to install oracle repository:
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
sudo wget http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/rpm/fedora/virtualbox.repo
Install dependencies:
sudo dnf install binutils gcc make patch libgomp glibc-headers glibc-devel kernel-headers kernel-PAE-devel dkms
Install virtualbox. Note: pointing 5.1 is important as at the moment that is how it is called in the oracles repository:
sudo dnf install VirtualBox-5.1
You might need to rebuild kernel modules with command:
sudo /usr/lib/virtualbox/vboxdrv.sh setup
And add current user to the xboxusers group:
sudo usermod -a -G vboxusers user_name
I had a problem reconfiguring kernel modules on my laptop. The error wasnt indicating anything specific. The problem was in the BIOS settings. Secure Boot should be disabled to allow module reconfiguration.

download file now


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