Fetching posts from Twitter with PHP
Today I had the task to fetch the latest posts from Twitter. It turns out this is not as easy as it sounds, but I found a solution that works pretty well.
First of all you need to sign up to twitter and create your twitter app at http://dev.twitter.com
Next you have to copy your consumer key/secret and access token/secret from apps OAuth tool tab.
Now its time to download the two files you find on the following link:
Finally, create a php file and put this code in it that I blatantly copied just as 99% of the rest of this post.
require_once("twitteroauth/twitteroauth/twitteroauth.php"); //Path to twitteroauth library you downloaded in step 3
$twitteruser = "twitterusername"; //user name you want to reference
$notweets = 30; //how many tweets you want to retrieve
$consumerkey = "12345"; //Noted keys from step 2
$consumersecret = "123456789"; //Noted keys from step 2
$accesstoken = "123456789"; //Noted keys from step 2
$accesstokensecret = "12345"; //Noted keys from step 2
function getConnectionWithAccessToken($cons_key, $cons_secret, $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret) {
$connection = new TwitterOAuth($cons_key, $cons_secret, $oauth_token, $oauth_token_secret);
return $connection;
$connection = getConnectionWithAccessToken($consumerkey, $consumersecret, $accesstoken, $accesstokensecret);
$tweets = $connection->get("https://api.twitter.com/1.1/statuses/user_timeline.json?screen_name=".$twitteruser."&count=".$notweets);
echo json_encode($tweets);
echo $tweets; //testing remove for production
Modify as needed and have fun :-)
Source: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/17049821/setting-up-twitter-api-getting-the-last-few-tweets
download file now