File format conversion made simple

File format conversion made simple

Format Junkie is an  Graphical  application which gives you an  easy file format manipulation facility on your desktop. The home page of Format Junkie is  here . It is available in launch pad so that you can quickly install it  on Ubuntu .
Some of the  file conversion  capabilities are

a) Audio: Conversion between the audio formats: mp3, mp2, wav, ogg, wma, flac, m4r, m4a and aac
b) Video: Conversion between the video formats: avi, ogv, vob, mp4, vob, flv, 3gp, mpg, mkv, wmv
c) Image: Conversion between the image formats: jpg, png, ico, bmp, svg, tif, pcx, pdf, tga, pnm
d) Iso|Cso Create an iso with selected files, convert iso to cso and vice versa.
e) Advanced Encode subtitles to an avi file.

Format Junkie Installation:
  Add the ppa to your machine

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:format-junkie-team/release
  Install format junkiee
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install formatjunkie
After successful installation, you can open up the application from the Unity Dash   Here is a screen shot.

download file now


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