file sharing on ubuntu Samba Accessing windows shares

file sharing on ubuntu Samba Accessing windows shares

Even though youre on ubuntu you can access windows shares and share files to windows machines. This is done by samba (SMB).
Accessing windows shares.
The samba client should be installed by default, if not install smbclient package.
$ sudo apt-get install smbclient

To access the share press alt+F2, type smb://<host_ip>/<share> For example: smb://$ Enter your username and password.

Note:  theoretically, you should be able to use both ip and domain name, but I wasnt able to access by name. I was getting Failed to mount Windows share error.

Sharing your files
To share your files you have 2 options: samba and NFS. NFS is a linux way, but to serve the files to windows users we use samba.
By default, file sharing settings app might be hidden. Right click main menu->edit menus. Click System->Administration group on the left and check the box on the shared folders.

Now you can use Shared folders app. It *will* download and install the needed packages.
This thing is a bit buggy, it might pop you this window even if you have already installed the services.
Now you can use the applet to add folders/shares.
I found it more convenient and understandable to use another samba config tool - system-config-samba. Just install it and use if you have any issues using the standard Shared Folders thing.
$ sudo apt-get install system-config-samba
It is installed under System->Administration
I keep the default auth mode - User. Just remember, that samba users are not your system users, they have different passwords but can have same names.

download file now


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