download Ultimate Wedding App free android app

download Ultimate Wedding App free android app

Ultimate Wedding App


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Ultimate Wedding App

Plan your wedding with international luxury wedding and party planner Sarah Haywood. Complete Wedding Planner & Checklist, Budget Tracker (in multiple currencies), Guest Manager (with RSVP and Table Assign facility), Contacts Directory and Wedding Day Schedule to assist you plan like a professional. No advertising or product endorsements: just practical, impartial, tried and tested expert advice to help you plan your own unique event.

Designed and with content by internationally renowned wedding coordinator, bridal author and CNNs Royal Wedding Expert Sarah Haywood and complete with her expert tips on everything you need to do perfectly plan your wedding day.

Key features:

� Budget Tracker in multiple currencies and with assign feature to assist allocate the wedding budget. Allows user to view the total spend to date and includes a contingency fund. Linked to the Wedding Planner for auto update of budget information.

� Wedding Planner divided into key categories of wedding planning with tips, advice and checklists. Links to the Supplier/Vendor Contacts Directory and Budget Manager to automatically update financial information. Facility for user to add categories and notes.

� Wedding Checklist viewable by category and by task due date. Links to the Wedding Planner, Budget Manager, Supplier/Vendor Contacts Directory and with the facility for the user to add new tasks.

� Guest Manager allows guests to be imported from device or manual input. Guests can be grouped and in multiple categories (e.g. bridal party, groom�s family, bridesmaid, evening guest etc.) with facility to add custom groups. Allows for guests to be custom grouped in more than one event (e.g. Stag/Bachelor Party, Rehearsal Dinner, Wedding Guest etc.). Ability to export group lists and email groups. Facility to manage RSVPs, make table assignment for the table plan and note gift received from guest. Next update (Spring 2012) to include ability to export entire guest list and at a glance see guests RSVP status.

� Supplier/Vendor Contacts Directory linked to groups (e.g Wedding Ceremony, Reception, Rehearsal Dinner etc.) and with facility to create custom groups.

� Schedule: create your own Wedding Day Schedule from the template and share via email. Facility to create multiple events.

Leaving nothing to chance, the Ultimate Wedding App helps you both plan and manage your wedding and associated events, the budget, the guest list and your suppliers/vendors.

Few couples have the luxury of a professional, high profile Wedding Coordinator to help them plan their day, now in the palm of your hand top selling bridal author and wedding planner Sarah Haywood, shares her experience, expertise and in-depth, tried and tested wedding planning skills with every aspiring couple � whatever their spending power.

What the Press have said about the Ultimate Wedding App and Sarah Haywood:

"If you cant afford a wedding planner this could be the perfect compromise.... A worthwhile investment" The Sun (Apps of the Week, September 23, 2011)

"Award-winning Sarah Haywoods clever app was the first of its kind in the world - and its also one of the best" Wedding Magazine

"Ideal for bridezillas and groomzillas everywhere"

"Sarah Haywood: the ultimate wedding planner extraordinaire" CNN

Sarah Haywood is: "One of the most highly rated celebrity wedding planners in the world" Paris Match

This application is not officially supported on Android tablets version 2.3 and above.

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