Download video from Arte online 7

Download video from Arte online 7

  1. start the video on the arte website
  2. right click on that page and select �View Page Source�
    enter image description here
  3. search "player" inside an address ending with "json enter image description here
  4. open that address
  5. on that page you are looking for an address that starts with "http://" and ends with ".mp4". But there are many addresses like that of different quality/resolution, and they may be in French, German, or a different original language like English. So, in order to select the correct address, find it in a group of lines identified according to:
    • quality: if you want HD ,search for "HD -"
    • language version; look in the address (or in that 3-4 line group); for example, VO is original version, VOF is French original version if the original is French, STF stands for French subtitles, VA stands for German (Allemande) version, STA for German subtitles.
enter image description here
  1. open that address and the video will start (now you can check if you have selected the correct language)
enter image description here 7. save video/page, or with FlashGot addon in Firefox or by other such method send the link to an external enhanced downloader like Flareget, uGet, Axel.

download file now


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