Fallout New Vegas avoid like a plague of Radroaches and await the GOTYR edition

Fallout New Vegas avoid like a plague of Radroaches and await the GOTYR edition

Hit the space bar and pause your V.A.T.S or whatever they are calling it in the latest Fallout iteration , wait for the Game Of The Year edition of Fallout New Vegas ,  or the inevitable half price sale on Steam .

Because you remember don`t you how you put $100 /�70down for the tin that came with the last one only to spend another $60 on dlc , the GOTYR edition of Fallout 3 can now be had for around �15 to �20 if you shop around! And US fans just wait for the Christmas Steam sale !

Publishers take note this kind of DLC model limits and damages sales ,it was not too long ago that Fallout was a forgotten franchise. In these days of Android , IOS freebies and Steam  , i.e. increased competition your recently resurrected franchise may end up confined to the fictional Vaults it was originally set in. This would be a shame because the quality of the game is not in question , its the publishing model that threatens the long term existence of Fallout games.

You do remember publishing giants like Origin and Sierra ? that`s right we only remember them... cos they eventually lost their way trying to take too much from their fans..made some of the finest games ever along their journeys , though they were doomed by flawed publishing models.

And this is what worries me about the future of Fallout.

A much better publishing model would be to state that ALL future DLC will be free for those who spend the extra on the collectors editions , a little like lifetime subs for some MMOs . 

You might even attract some of that millions strong cash loose MMO crowd. And in the long term this will serve you better than inevitably releasing a GOTYR a few months from now that retailers will mark down to a 1/5th of the original collectors edition and annoy the hell out of your once loyal fans......

c.f. Gran Turismo 5 people........................... and also c.f. Valve with The Sacrifice for Left 4 Dead which is free to pc owners!

see if you  can resist the temptation:

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