Fast and Easy Diablo III Gold Act 1 Inferno Farming Warriors Rest

Fast and Easy Diablo III Gold Act 1 Inferno Farming Warriors Rest

No, its not farming goblins with MF gear. This farming location is a 100% spawn of an elite mob, and it only takes a minute or two to log out, log in, get waypoint, rinse and repeat. Dont worry about NV stacks, dont worry about swapping your MF gear (although it will help drops), the only thing you will have to worry about is selling all your Exquisite Essences on the AH and wishing for that elusive i63 killer stat item!

You might be farming the spot I mentioned the other day in Act II, praying for the treasure goblin to pop or getting a few elites for NV stacks. Well, this plays along a similar line but a different road. Farming. 

First, you need to have your toon start a new questline at Act I- 6. The Broken Blade....Talk to Alaric.

Now you will be setting your waypoint/checkpoint. 

Now, you are in town and will go to the waypoint for Drowned Temple. As you see in the image to the right, you will follow the road downhill to get to Alaric. Tap the space bar a few times to speed up the chatter...

After speaking with Alaric, you need to go East/North East through The Festering Woods to getcha into Warriors Rest Cave.

Now dont forget the Chests here (three spawn points), you also need to loot the dead bodies, especially the "Dead Plunderer" as depending on your MF and GF gear, is a quick 1-2K in gold. Free money for something most folks just dont loot!

Now just kill the leet (Bloodreaver/Deathrattle/Evil Eye and others spawn here), rinse and repeat. Some folks use the town portal, log out, and "resume game", however I usually just do the 10 sec leave game. They seem to be near in time, give or take a second depending on lag and your computer speed. 

On a "normal" run using about 170GF/150MF gear (no need to swap, I only use half of my MF set and half usual gear- you dont need much damage on this "boss") I gain 2-4 blues, normally one producing a i61-i62. Every other run gives a rare on average. 

In less than 10 minutes, I fill my bags and portal to town. My next post will give you even more of a boost on what I utilize for goldmaking in town...

Before I leave you to play the game, the Festering Woods is a great location to farm up NV stacks. Utilizing both the "Warriors Rest"and "Crypt of the Ancients" you have 100% chance at elite mobs (rare), and, on normal runs of the small area surrounding, I can easily get 5 stacks of NV within 10 minutes max. Very profitable area I might add. And a nice change of scenery when you get bored of other areas.

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