FE Awakening Drama CD 1 10 What I Want To Tell My True Self
And done~ /o/
Ill do the second drama CD, but I want to finish this story of Hariyama-san first and Ill be out of town for the second half of May. That leaves me with about one week before June in which to work on it. I miiiight get the first track out during that time, but the second CD has longer tracks in general, so well see.
Fire Emblem Awakening Drama CD Volume 1
Track 10: What I Want To Tell My True Self
[rain falling]
Chrom: [sighs, sheathes sword] That�s finally at an end.
Robin: [panting] Everyone� are you all right?
Gaius: This kind of thing�s easy as pie.
Lissa: I�m fine!
Nowi: I�m okay too!
Cordelia: Myself as well, somehow, though I was worried for a while there.
Tharja: I will not lose� with love on my side.
Frederick: It seems everyone is unharmed.
[BGM: �You deserved better from me than one sword��]
Robin: R-really� I-I�m glad�
Lon�qu: Honestly. It was frightening in the beginning.
Frederick: [chuckles] Let�s overlook it this time. Everyone is all right.
Robin: I�m really very sorry. I was� unnecessarily agitated.
Lissa: Well, it�s the same for all of us! We depend on you too much, Robin.
Cordelia: That�s right. We all share responsibility for our failure to coordinate our actions.
Nowi: Sorry, Robin. I didn�t keep good track of my dragonstone�
Tharja: My feelings did not change anything. Ehehe�
Lissa: But when you�re dependable, and when you�re worried about something like you were before -- that�s all part of you, Robin. Hey! Everyone agrees, right?
Cordelia: You�re right. No one is perfect.
Tharja: Don�t worry. I will always support you.
Chrom: So? What was it that was troubling you?
Robin: Truthfully, I was thinking about who I really am and grew frightened.
Lissa: Robin�
Robin: Everyone� treats me so well. I was thinking... I wanted to do something to help all of you in return. But I wonder if that�s how I really feel. ...I said such lofty things as doing it for other people�s sake� for the sake of people I love� but who are they to me? What does that mean? I wasn�t certain.
Chrom: Robin�
Robin: I� have no memories, and so I wondered� what is my true self thinking? There is a me I do not know in the depths of my heart. What would I do if he is not the same Robin as the one you see before you?
Chrom: And? Did you find your answer?
Robin: Yes. Ha� When my memories return and I find my true self, I�ll tell him.
[BGM: �Grima has returned to slumber.�]
Robin: �How about it, Robin? The people before you are my, and your, most treasured companions. They are the people I love. I am proud of them!� And I want the person I was before I lost my memories to love you just as I do. That is what I think.
Chrom: I see. That�s just like you.
Robin: No, this is something I learned from Lady Emmeryn. I came to realize it because you� and everyone else... were by my side.
Lissa: Robin�
Tharja: Robin� that�s wonderful.
Cordelia: We must work hard so you can be proud of us when your memories return.
Nowi: I�ll do my best too!
Lon�qu: Heh. Robin is quite troublesome.
Frederick: We�ll just call that one of his good points.
Gaius: Well, just do what you want. I�ll do anything for a reward or sweets.
Robin: [laughs] Thank you, everyone.
[scene change; music fades out. horses neighing, people walking through the grass.]
Robin: So� the Risen were targeting not Chrom, but myself?
Frederick: Yes. The remaining Plegian forces commanded the Grimleal and used some means to call forth the Risen. This time they were after you, Robin.
Robin: Why me?
Gaius: Who knows. Maybe they were afraid of you as a tactician or maybe there was some other reason�
Frederick: We will interrogate the enemy soldiers we captured and continue our investigation. With your continued cooperation, Gaius.
Gaius: Yeah, yeah. I�ll help out.
Chrom: But I didn�t think it would become so troublesome.
Robin: Well� [embarrassed laugh] I really am ashamed of myself. If you hadn�t entered the battle, Chrom, I would surely have been unable to strategize properly.
Chrom: Heh. It�s the same for me. I need you. We would not have been able to come this far without your tactical prowess.
Frederick: Though I do not have much to offer, I will support the two of you.
Robin: Yes. Thank you, Chrom, Frederick.
[BGM: Prelude]
Robin: [steps forward, then stops and says hesitantly] And, Chrom. I can�t choose anyone yet.
Chrom: Hm? Are you speaking of marriage?
Robin: Yeah. Everyone is a precious comrade to me, and I love them all equally. I have no memories, but they are my family, and they are all special to me.
Chrom: Robin�
Robin: I love everyone and I want to protect them. That is why I cannot make a decision.
Chrom: I see.
Robin: Yes. So perhaps we should postpone searching for a partner for a little while longer.
Chrom: Yeah. If that suits you.
Lissa: Ahhh! Chrom! Robin! What are you whispering about?
Nowi: Tell me, tell me!
Cordelia: Two men� isn�t this rather suspicious? It can�t be. What you said to Anna� was the truth!?
Tharja: Chrom� I really must keep an eye on him�
Robin: Huh? What are you all talking about?
Frederick: Now, everyone. We can see Ylisstol now.
[BGM: Main Theme (Title)]
Chrom: All right! Let�s go home!
Robin: Yes!
Lissa: Now everything�s settled! YAY!
[everyone laughs. music crescendos and comes to an end]
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