FE Awakening Drama CD 4 11 Come Back ver M

FE Awakening Drama CD 4 11 Come Back ver M

Aaaand with this short track, thats it for the Awakening drama CDs!  thanks for sticking with me all this way. |D; This is in some ways a counterpart to the last track of CD 3, which was Lucinas return home.

...if the dialogue in this track looks familiar, its because I ripped it almost entirely from the game script.

Fire Emblem Awakening Drama CD Volume 4
Track 11: Come Back ver. [M]

[leaves blowing in the wind]
Owain: Lucina, we have to do SOMETHING.
Lucina: What do you propose we do?
Owain: I� I dunno�

[BGM: �There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know.�]

Owain: [gasp]
Lucina: I see you�re awake now.
Owain: Hoy there!
[Owain and Lucina laugh]
Lucina: There�re better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know.  Give me your hand.
Lucina: Welcome back, Morgan.
All: Morgan, welcome back!
[the future children laugh]

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