FE Awakening Drama CD 4 7 I Don’t Know What’s In This Bag But Eat This Anyway
This is my second-favorite track on the CD and the most hilarious. As such, I effortsed to put in a sound clip of the best part. :D And yes, in the last track, Owain and Cynthia referenced the titles of the paralogues where theyre recruited. Theres a lot of references in the next few tracks.
Fire Emblem Awakening Drama CD Volume 4
Track 7: I Don�t Know What�s In This Bag, But Eat This Anyway
[crows cawing]
Laurent: Severa, the sun is already setting. It�s quite abnormal that they have not yet returned.
Severa: Something must�ve happened�
[squeak squeak squeak of Lucina�s new hair ornament]
Lucina: Severa. Laurent.
Laurent: Lucina.
Lucina: We�re about to set off. Hurry and join everyone.
Severa: Ah� we�ll� go soon.
Lucina: Where is everyone else?
Severa: They�re� uh�
Laurent: [steps forward] They�re training. But their training session seems to be running a little long.
Lucina: You�re lying, aren�t you?
[Severa and Laurent make uncomfortable noises]
Lucina: I�m sorry. I�d actually realized it. Everyone was doing something that they were keeping secret from me� Father told me this morning. Last night, everyone gathered to discuss something. And then they went somewhere this morning.
Severa: [small voice] Oh.
Lucina: I trust all of you. That is why I did not intend to press the matter. But if it causes trouble for the army, I must demand an answer. Severa. Laurent. Please tell me. Where are they? What are they really doing?
Laurent: [sigh] We�re left with no choice. Our apologies, Lucina. We shall tell you the truth. Everyone is...
[BGM: Assault]
[Risen roars and lunges; sound of beating on the walls]
Owain: Heeeeey! Bringing them to the hut was great and all, but now we�re surrounded!
Gerome: Tch. It�s only a matter of time before they break down the walls!
Noire: [walking around] Unsightly� unsightly� there�s surprisingly little�
Cynthia: Um! What about these? A broken broom and a rotting wood plank!
Inigo: Ugh� I�d be embarrassed to fight with those!
Owain: But we�ve got no choice! Just grab the weapon you prefer!
[wood splinters and Risen rush in]
Noire: [screams] They got in!
Cynthia: Waah! There�s a lot more of them than I thought!
Owain: Damn! My chosen partner tonight shall be a moldy branch! Take this! Special attack! [swings; power charges up, special effects] Blazing blade of azure! Blue Flame Sword!
[sounds stop suddenly]
[snap, weapon breaking jingle]
Cynthia: Oh. It broke.
Noire: A failure�
[Risen roars]
Inigo: Owain! Look out!
[Inigo runs over; the Risen strikes and Inigo screams and falls.]
Owain: Inigo!
[BGM: �I�ve never seen one fall so gracefully.�]
[Inigo is making small, pained sounds]
Owain: I�m sorry�! It�s because you saved me!
Inigo: [softly] Owain�
Owain: What? Why!?
Inigo: I-I� you know� I would�ve preferred... saving a girl� [collapses]
Owain: [gasp, then with dramatic echo effect:] INIGOOOOOOOOOOO!
[music stops suddenly, then a confused boing]
Gerome: What is this farce?
Noire: It�s just a scratch. You�re exaggerating.
[BGM: Assault]
Cynthia: [deadpan] Oh well. Here, a Vulnerary.
Inigo: Oh, thanks.
[item being used! healing sounds! ting ting ting of HP being restored]
Cynthia: Huh? There aren�t any Risen around Minerva.
[Risen making puzzled sounds]
Gerome: Hey. Scum. Why are you avoiding Minerva? Do you not find my Minervakins beautiful?
[Risen groan]
Gerome: So that�s how it is. [growls] I will not forgive this, even if you are cute Risen! [jumps] I don�t know what�s in this bag, but eat this anyway! Haa!
[Gerome swings and lets go of the bag; the Risen make surprised noises]
Inigo: Whoa� Gerome�s lost his temper.
Noire: But there�s just dirt inside that bag, so we can�t hope for much.
Cynthia: Ahhhh geez, it�s no good! They flinch back but they won�t go down!
Owain: So we can�t use any of these things� then what exactly counts as �unsightly�!?
[Risen roars]
Noire: Eek! It�s all over!
[whoosh of magic]
Severa: Say good night!
Laurent: Get thee hence!
[Risen fall]
[BGM: Conquest (Ablaze)]
Noire: Severa! Laurent!
Severa: Gods, what do you think you�re doing?
Laurent: We grew worried when you never returned.
Inigo: Sorry. We meant to go back right away, but we lost all our weapons.
Owain: Thanks for coming for us!
Gerome: But they�re�
[Risen groans and gets back up]
Severa: H-huh? What�s with these freaks?
Laurent: They should have been defeated� but they regenerated?
Gerome: They�re a special kind of Risen that will keep regenerating unless they touch something unsightly.
Severa: W-what!? That�s completely ridiculous!
Laurent: If only they would perish from their own unsightliness!
Severa: Anyway, that�s how it is! Be careful, Lucina!
Lucina: [runs up, grips Falchion] Understood! You will not stop me!
[Risen roars and falls]
All: Lucina!
Lucina: Everyone, I�m glad to see you safe! To think you would keep this a secret from me�.
Cynthia: S-sorry�
Owain: Sorry, Lucina! But we wanted so badly to find your� huh!? What�s with that hair ornament?
[ornament goes squeak, squeak~]
Noire: Eeek! It looks like a huge caterpillar!
Inigo: And it stinks of bear!
Gerome: Hmph. It suits you rather well.
Severa: [snidely] I thought you�d say that.
Laurent: Er, more importantly� the Risen Lucina defeated� are not regenerating.
All: Huh?
Cynthia: It -- it�s true! Why?
Inigo: Look, where those Risen were! They�re the furry hair ornaments Lucina�s wearing!
[squeak squeak]
Lucina: Oh� it looks like I dropped my spares.
Severa: Doesn�t it look like the Risen are backing off without putting up a fight?
[Risen moan]
Laurent: They are retreating from Lucina and her fur-covered hair ornaments.
Noire: Maybe� the �unsightly thing� that can defeat these Risen�
Lucina: [giggle] Isn�t this hair ornament cute? I have many more of them. [boing] Here.
Lucina: Huh?
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