February Desktop
It has been a while since I posted my current Linux desktop. My favorite Linux distros are Ubuntu Mate 16.04 and ChalletOS 16.04 (64-bit versions). The XFCE features and included applications in ChalletOS have won me over and it now is my favorite Linux distro. It looks polished based on the included Styles theme changer, includes classy icon and font sets, and everything works great. Included "must have applications" are Audacious Music Player, Synaptic Applications Manager, and the Firefox browser. Recent posts for ChalletOS speak about the Windows 7 easy transition to Linux. But ChalletOS is based on XFCE. You can add as much new applications as you like from Synaptic Applications Manager. I have added LibreOffice 5.3, Deluge bittorrent client, Rhythmbox Music Player, Caja File Manager, Devedee video creator, Screenlets desktop gadgets, and the Chrome browser. Below are my desktop screenshots. Enjoy.

You can download ChalletOS here:
download file now