Fedora 23 error with win qemu and virtualbox

Fedora 23 error with win qemu and virtualbox

First I try to use WinQemu from here : qemu-w64-setup-20151115.exe 2015-11-15 11:15 22M QEMU Installer for Windows (64 bit).
I use this commands for qemu:
C:qemu>qemu-img create -f qcow2 fedora23_disk.img 8G 
C:qemu>qemu-system-x86_64w.exe -hda fedora23_disk.img -cdrom Fedora-Live-Workstation-x86_64-23-10.iso -boot d
The output error come with this image:
I try also with VirtualBox - using same size 8Gb of disk image but seam come with errors.
 I use Intel CPU 2117U @ 1.80Ghz / 4Gb Ram and Nvidia Geforce GT 740M video card, but seam this not help me.
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