Fedora 25 First test with clamav antivirus

Fedora 25 First test with clamav antivirus

This is a short tutorial about how to use clamav antivirus on Fedora 25.
First you need to install it with this commands:
[root@localhost mythcat]# dnf install clamav.x86_64 

[root@localhost mythcat]# dnf install clamav-update.x86_64
Make settings into your /etc/freshclam.conf file.
I used awk tool to show you my settings from /etc/freshclam.conf:
[root@localhost mythcat]# awk -F: /^[^#]/ { print $1 } /etc/freshclam.conf | uniq 
DatabaseDirectory /var/lib/clamav
UpdateLogFile /var/log/freshclam.log
LogFileMaxSize 2M
LogTime yes
LogVerbose yes
LogSyslog yes
LogFacility LOG_MAIL
LogRotate yes
DatabaseOwner clamupdate
DNSDatabaseInfo current.cvd.clamav.net
DatabaseMirror database.clamav.net
MaxAttempts 5
ScriptedUpdates yes
DetectionStatsCountry country-code
SafeBrowsing yes
Update the clamav antivirus with
[root@localhost mythcat]# /usr/bin/freshclam
ClamAV update process started at Wed Mar 15 13:42:07 2017
main.cvd is up to date (version: 57, sigs: 4218790, f-level: 60, builder: amishhammer)
WARNING: getfile: daily-21724.cdiff not found on database.clamav.net (IP:
WARNING: getpatch: Cant download daily-21724.cdiff from database.clamav.net
Trying host database.clamav.net (
nonblock_connect: connect timing out (30 secs)
Cant connect to port 80 of host database.clamav.net (IP:
WARNING: getpatch: Cant download daily-21724.cdiff from database.clamav.net
WARNING: getpatch: Cant download daily-21724.cdiff from database.clamav.net
WARNING: getpatch: Cant download daily-21724.cdiff from database.clamav.net
WARNING: getpatch: Cant download daily-21724.cdiff from database.clamav.net
WARNING: Incremental update failed, trying to download daily.cvd
Downloading daily.cvd [100%]
daily.cvd updated (version: 23205, sigs: 1789155, f-level: 63, builder: neo)
Downloading safebrowsing.cvd [100%]
safebrowsing.cvd updated (version: 45693, sigs: 2756150, f-level: 63, builder: google)
Downloading bytecode-279.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-280.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-281.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-282.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-283.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-284.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-285.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-286.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-287.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-288.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-289.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-290.cdiff [100%]
Downloading bytecode-291.cdiff [100%]
bytecode.cld updated (version: 291, sigs: 55, f-level: 63, builder: neo)
Database updated (8764150 signatures) from database.clamav.net (IP:
Now you can run it on Fedora 25 folder with this.
[root@localhost mythcat]# clamscan 
/home/mythcat/.bash_logout: OK
/home/mythcat/.bash_profile: OK
----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 8758441
Engine version: 0.99.2
Scanned directories: 1
Scanned files: 54
Infected files: 0
Data scanned: 71.80 MB
Data read: 189.96 MB (ratio 0.38:1)
Time: 13.968 sec (0 m 13 s)
This tool come with many options and features for Fedora workstations and server. Just read the documentation and make your changes.

download file now


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