Few Useful Tips to Help you in day to Day Computer Work

Few Useful Tips to Help you in day to Day Computer Work

Few Useful Tips to Help you in day to Day Computer Work

Protecting your Computer

(i) Before opening your CPU Box ground yourself by wearing anti-static wristband or by touching unpainted metal surface of power supply(CPU should be off) this way you can ground yourself of any static charge you are carrying.

(ii) Close all open drive bays , expansion slots and other opening in CPU to prevent dust from entering into your CPU.

(iii) Dont shake your computer CPU box while it is running , it can cause damage to hard disks or other components also it can cause electric shocks.

(iv) Try keeping your computer away from direct sunlight or places where there is large temperature change like direct path of air conditioner . Keeping computer in direct path of Air Conditioner can cool the computer so much that when computer is exposed to normal air dew might form resulting in short circuits. Also to avoid over heating check that CPU is well ventilated and CPU cabinet fan is working properly.

(v) Do not blow air at computer parts some saliva could inadvertently get into electronic parts and cause short circuit always use use a blower or soft brush to dust it off.

(vi) Check Hard Disk are properly mounted to prevent any data loss due to moving hard disk which can cause bad sectors to develop on hard disk.

(vii) Avoid extreme temperature changes , ensure the room where computer is kept is not susceptible to wide temperature changes , and if you move your PC from cold to Hot place give it time to acclimatize to new temperature before you start working on it.

How to Chose Password

1. While choosing password dont use real words , use both upper and lower case characters in passwords and avoid simple sequence of letters and words and dont use any data from your real life in passwords.

2. Dont use same lo gin id and password for every website you use ,use different passwords and lo gin id in different websites to prevent misuse if someone knows your password in a particular site.

3. Change password frequently , dont use same password for years instead change password every few months

4. Dont save password , most of web browser have feature of saving password if possible turn it off since anyone with access to your computer can log in into your websites with saved passwords .

5. Dont write your password in paper , slips or anything where others can read it , instead try memorizing it use mnemonic to remember passwords.

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