FF7 What Happened Next!

The best thing about FF7 is the choices you can make. When going to save Aerith from Shinra you can bust in or sneak in. The building is massive so the stairs according to Barret seem to be somewhat endless. Apparently there is nobody guarding the stairs which is weird. I think some parts in the original game that didnt make sense need a little tweaking. There could have at least been someone on guard duty. Then again Shinra as a massive company thought they had destroyed Avalanche so maybe they didnt expect it. From what I know Shinra is a massive building, sort of like what we have in the real world. You know working in an office? With your own computer and work...space. Pretty boring to say the least. The chemistry in the party is different depending on who is in your party. Barret, Cloud and Tifa are a great team. Barret is rough as hell but deep down you can see he has a heart. Tifa? Hmm...I dont know...maybe a sex object that has a deep crush on Cloud. And Cloud? He doesnt seem to care about anything...hes the emo of the group. Later in the game he changes, but first he has to experience a loss. I wont go into detail...but everyone in the world who plays games...probably knows already. You know I always dreamed of a FF7 remake but can the people behind it really counter the original game? You cant tell Square Enix what to do. But...they should try to really go in on the original story. And everything should be exactly the same. And like I said...a little new features wouldnt hurt to bring it up to date with the most recent Final Fantasy titles.

There are 69 floors. The man who is supposed to be watching the security camera is far too busy sleeping so it is easier for Cloud and his party to sneak in. I noticed Aeriths name is spelled Aeris.

Sneaking inside the building is serious. If you fail you get taken back to the start. After getting through the only way to get to the top is to obtain key cards. According to the people they only work for Shinra. Including the Mayor, actually everything is run by Shinra Inc. Wow...sounds sort of familiar. So Shinra is like say some sort of government? The Mayor is quite funny to say the least. Hes like guess the password. He has had enough of working for Shinra. To them he is like some sort of book keeper. Meaning his job is not to govern...more or less to protect documents.

Shinra Inc are truly evil. They only care about money. And they dont really care about the people living in the slums. They try to make Avalanche seem like a terrorist group. Even though they were only trying to stop Shinra. According to Shinra who seem to have a sort of affection for the Pyramid, Ancients and the Promised Land. To them Aerith is an Alien. And they just want to experiment on her. Basically they were the ones who killed off her mother.

Cloud starts going crazy and Jenova comes to mind? Barret just says where is its ******* head, I agree. It has a eye for a nipple...creepy. Imagine having eyes for nipples? Someone should make a monster like that. Last one I saw had a **** in the middle of its head. I think its Clouds rivals mother? Im not too sure. But they are also...or were also Ancients? Just like Aerith??? Who knows for sure. Apparently they were the Cetra. Shinra Inc want to use them to suck up all the energy from the Promised Land or something. Anyway the party save Aerith. Like idiots they all split up and end up being caught.

Aerith talks about her date with Cloud an Tifa ends up getting jealous. She asks Aerith what the Promise Land is. Aerith tells her the Cetra were born from the Planet, speak with the Planet and can unlock the Planet. According to Aerith its noisy and she cannot make out what they are saying. Meaning when the Cetra die they go to the Promised Land. Its so obvious!!! Aerith tells Cloud Midgar that she cannot hear anything. According to her "real" mother who is dead Midgar is not safe. Aerith could only hear the Planet in the church in the slums. According to Aerith she can still hear the voice of her mother. Hmm...they better put that into the new game. Even if it makes Aerith look like a loon. But then again she is not human she is a Cetra. The Jenova experiment breaks free and kills everyone in sight. It ends up leaving Cloud and his party and even letting Cloud out of the Shinra Inc prison cell.

And so the leader of Shinra Inc has been STABBED right through the heart. And youd never guess who did it? Sephiroth!!! A little fat man can be seen hiding behind a wall. His name is Palmer and he explains what happened. He runs off with some goons. Everyone knows about Sephiroth. Including Aerith who says nobody has ever seen his bleed or cry. The son of the ex president is now in charge and he takes over and he is just as evil as his father. He tells Cloud and his party that he will control the world with fear.

The other party will escape and have to fight monsters they cant even reach...what the hell? So its a battle from elevator to elevator and only Barret can reach the enemy. Meanwhile Cloud battles against Rufus.

An amazing CG scene appears when Cloud and his party bust out of Shinra Inc. They literally hyjack the cars on display.

Cloud must then protect the party while using a motorbike which is quite hard. Bet people want to see this in the FF7 remake. And so a massive Tank-like monster comes after Cloud and everyone and chases them to the end.

After the battle everyone decides that they are going to leave Midgar. Barrett suggests we split up the party.

He knew i was going to get rid of him and the stupid wolf thing! Haha!!! Im sorry to say...but when you play a game there are characters you like and characters you dont. Barret is okay but I prefer Aerith, Tifa and Cloud over those two.

And so now Cloud and his party are free to explore the world.

Cloud talks about his rival and tells the party how powerful he is. And that he used to work beside him. Barret comes to notice Clouds rivals mother has the same name as the "headless spook" they came across earlier. You literally get to play the memory. Cloud is supposed to be younger...but he looks the same. And Tifa...in some cowgirl attire is a cowboy? Seems Cloud and Tifa were not always in the slums of Midgar. Sephiroth...I am to call him Seph for short now its way easier. Well he knows everything and is powerful the CPU just uses magic abilities non-stop. He does 1000-3000 in attack power.

In the past Seph figures he was some sort of experiment. So as a young child Seph was being used as an experiment but he never knew. Like Mako energy? So Seph just stayed in the Shinra Mansion and did a ton of research. After getting the information he needs he learns he is an Ancient aka a Cetra and turns crazy. Jenova was an Ancient that was being used as an experiment and Seph was produced by it when a professor by the name of Gast created him. Jenova is Sephs mother. So yeah, Seph and Aerith are both Ancients but with different feelings.

Seph kills everyone...and burns the village to the ground. He kills Tifas father in cold blood and then slashes Tifa with his sword.

Seph tells his mother that the both of them will return to the Promised Land together. But before...that he wants his mother to become ruler of the world.

For someone who wasnt brought up by this thing he calls a mother he seems to be super obsessed!? According to the game Gast brought him up as a child created from Jenova. But then again...the Cetra can hear one another. So Seph...might be able to hear his mother which is why he is crazy. Aerith can hear her mother but you dont see her going bat **** insane.

The group have to obtain a Chocobo to get past a powerful snake...but Seph he had no problem. Apparently the swamp is full of them.

A girl drowns during a battle and Cloud has to give her mouth to mouth. This is obviously going to be removed from the remake. To be honest she was no...where near the water...what the hell?

Anyway in this city there is also a top and bottom.

Cloud must pretend to be a soldier and pretend he works for Shinra. Hope they add this in the new game.

The soliders even ask for Clouds best pose which is his usual spinning around a sword. Im surprised he has never once chopped off his own head doing that.
Imagine doing that with a rifle and after you finish up spinning it around...everyone is dead around you. Du Du Du Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun!
Imagine doing that with a rifle and after you finish up spinning it around...everyone is dead around you. Du Du Du Dun Dun Dun Dun Dun!

While the party make their way to the next destination Tifa tells Cloud that his hair looks like a Chocobo. The world is massive. There are a ton of train tracks and a long bridge, it goes on for an eternity. When Cloud and his party reach North Coral they learn that Barret used to live in Corel and lead the town to ruin. The people in the town attack him and call him a Techno-freak due to his arm. And he actually becomes somewhat upset?

The train from Corel leads to the Gold Saucer. The Gold Saucer is like some kind of theme park. You have to pay to get in. Its 3000 gil and 30000 for a lifetime pass. Barrett is in a mood due to what had happened to his town. Okay so none of the characters are originally from the Midgar slums...they all moved there. Suddenly someone goes on a killing spree. Someone with a gun attached to their arm!? And...Cloud and his party are thrown down the bottom of the Gold Saucer. Nobody can leave the area its basically a prison. There are monsters everywhere on the map. Apparently one of Barrets old friends by the name of Dyne is responsible for the shooting and he is also upset and has been for many years about what happened. Marlene, Barrets adopted daughter is Dynes daughter.

Barret must do battle with Dyne who is the boss of the prison area. Dyne is quite strong. Funny enough before meeting with him Aerith asked Cloud if he would consider joining their party. Sadly Dyne commits suicide. According to him his hands are strained with blood...he in fact has been killing a lot of people. So he jumps to his death...SPLAT.

The only way to escape the prison is for Cloud to win the Chocobo race. The setting is set to automatic and the only way to win is to change it to manual and control the Chocobo yourself. According to Ester who decided to support Cloud Sephiroth was most recently around and has a lot of fans who are boys of Clouds age. Cloud and his party are given a buggy and can now cross over. The buggy will...break when it reaches a certain point in the game. To get it fixed Cloud and his party must visit Red XIIs town.

Suddenly a Ninja appears. More or less...a Kunoichi which is the female version of a Ninja...but shes just dubbed a Ninja. She could be obtained earlier on in the game but there is a trick to getting her to join the party. First Cloud must tell her he is not interested, she will still want to fight. Then he must tell her he is petrified of her. She will get annoyed and tell them she is leaving, Cloud must then tell her to wait a second. The Ninja will brag how good she is so the next is thats right and then lets hurry on. If you ask her name she will not join...its lets hurry on.
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