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Flixpress is a website which allows you to create video intros for free.This website has both paid and free templates to work with.Once completed you can download the file to your computer.This is the simplest method to create a video intro for beginners.Take a look at a sample video that I have created with flixpress.
Get Free Templates Online
If you have a basic knowledge on using video editing software such as adobe after effects then it is better to download templates for it and then download it.You can search for adobe after effects,etc. templates on google.This way you can have further customizations than before.Youtube is also a great place to look for template files.Take a look at the video that was created using after effects template.Check it here.

Hire Professionals
If you are looking to create more professional video intros then hand this duty to others.You can find someone to do this job in for just 5$.
Best of luck creating video intros!
download file now