Download subtitles with VLC

Download subtitles with VLC

VLC has an addons/extension site:

- put the file in the vlc subfile /lua/extensions, by default:
* Windows (all users): %ProgramFiles%VideoLANVLCluaextensions
* Windows (current user): %APPDATA%vlcluaextensions
* Linux (all users): /usr/lib/vlc/lua/extensions/
* Linux (current user): ~/.local/share/vlc/lua/extensions/
* Mac OS X (all users): /Applications/
(create directories if they dont exist)

VLSub: Search and download subtitles from using the hash of the video currently playing or its title. Also here.

Subtitle Finder: Get the subtitles of movies from the internet, currently only from (just displays subs, doesnt saves them; but sometimes finds much more subs).

Modified version to save subtitles here.

This extensions are better used at the same time.

download file now


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