Download videos from websites such as YouTube Vimeo Dailymotion or Metacafe

Download videos from websites such as YouTube Vimeo Dailymotion or Metacafe

ClipGrab is a multi-platform software for downloading videos from popular websites such as YouTube, Vimeo, Dailymotion or Metacafe. It also provides the possibility to convert the downloaded files to other file formats such as MP3, MPEG4, OGG Theora or WMV.

There is no ppa available for clipgrab but we can download the .deb from ubuntuupdates.

In order to be able to download 1080p videos we need to install libav-tools. To install it open
a terminal (ctrl+alt+t) and use the following command :

sudo apt-get install libav-tools

Navigate to the folder where clipgrab has been downloaded using "cd" in terminal :

cd Downloads (in this case , clipgrab is located in the Downloads folder)

followed by this next command  :

sudo dpkg -i clipgrab_3.5.6-1-getdeb1_amd64.deb

You can also install ClipGrab by navigating to the folder where the .deb file has been downloaded and right click it > Open with > Gdebi Package Installer ( gdebi must to be installed for this to work - sudo apt-get install gdebi  )
After installation clipgrab can be opened from Dash or in terminal by typing clipgrab.

download file now


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